
GENERAL & 2025 GRANT Opportunities QUESTIONS

  • Please refer to the eligibility requirements for each Grant Opportunity for information on the types of organizations eligible for funding. 
  • All grant funds must be used to materially serve our 18-county plus the Qualla Boundary region of Western North Carolina. 
  • We seek to support organizations that elevate uncommon leadership and voices that may have been overlooked or discounted in the past. 
  • We encourage organizations to explore opportunities for partnership with other nonprofits or government agencies to help elevate their work for broader or deeper impact.
  • We support organizations whose work aligns with our Purpose, Values and Guiding Principles and Commitment to Equity.

As a private foundation, we are limited in some aspects of funding. Generally, we do not fund:

  • Direct payments to individuals.
  • For-profit companies. 
  • Work outside of our 18-county plus the Qualla Boundary service area. 
  • Organizations that do not align with our Purpose, Values and Guiding Principles and Commitment to Equity.
  • Activities that supplant government sources of funding (e.g., capital to build or rehab government-owned buildings, infrastructure/maintenance, public services typically paid for through tax revenue).
  • 100% of a capital request.
  • Amounts that typically exceed 25% of an organization’s total revenues for the last four tax years (less any other grants from Dogwood during this period). This is referred to as “tipping.” Find out more about tipping.
  •  Any programs that proselytize (attempt to convert people from one religious belief to another).

Yes. Organizations can apply for General Operating Support, Capacity Building, and/or Collaboration & Innovation grant opportunities in 2025, as long as there is alignment with eligibility requirements and that Dogwood funding typically does not exceed 25% of total revenues over the last four tax years.

Grant applicants are asked to identify the requested amount in the application and make a case for the amount in their responses. The amount granted will be determined through review and conversations with Dogwood’s Community Investment team members.

Yes, but applications will be reviewed with consideration given to current active grant(s). 

Applicants will receive an automated electronic confirmation after the application is submitted that will include a projected decision timeframe. If you do not receive an automatic confirmation after you submit, please email [email protected] to check on your application. Application decision notifications will be sent electronically at the end of the application review period.

Organizations can use GOS funds for advancing their core mission, including building or growing programs, advocacy or policy efforts, and other uses they think are needed. Capacity building funds, on the other hand, only support those activities which strengthen an organization’s internal operations to achieve long-term performance and sustainability, not programs or services. There is some overlap as well. Common examples of how organizations can also use general operating support (GOS) or capacity building funding include: 

  • Strategic Planning
  • Other Planning Efforts
  • Capital Improvements
  • Hire Staff
  • Staff Development
  • Board Development
  • Leadership Development
  • Community Engagement or Increasing Access to Programs or Services
  • Learning and Evaluation
  • Build Reserves
  • Advocacy Efforts
  • Improve Operations (accounting, HR, IT, etc.)
  • Resource or Funding Development
  • Communications, Development or Marketing
  • Relationship Development or Increasing Collaborations/Connections

 If you have other ideas for how to use such funding that meets these general guidelines and are not reflected in the list above, please include them in your application.


Dogwood uses online portals to manage our (1) Active Grants with current partners and (2) application processes for new Grant Opportunities. 

In 2025, we are transitioning to a new “Applicant and Grantee Portal” for our General Operating Support, Capacity Building, and Innovation & Collaboration Grant Opportunities. All grantseekers will need to use this new portal for 2025 Grant Opportunities. 

At the same time, grantees with active grants prior to 2025 will still need to use Dogwood’s “Legacy Grantee Portal” to submit reports and manage their grants.

The new portal is designed to simplify the application process for 2025 Grant Opportunities and beyond. Applicants can now use a single login to manage all applications with any funder that uses Blackbaud Grantmaking, including Dogwood. If you already use Blackbaud products like Raiser’s Edge, you will not need to create a new login. 

The new portal consolidates all applications from funders using Blackbaud Grantmaking into one location, providing a streamlined experience for grantseekers with a single login. This means that grantseekers can see applications for Dogwood and other funders in one place. The new portal is more user-friendly and allows applicants to manage applications, requirements, reports and invite additional users to collaborate on forms more easily.

The new portal consolidates all applications from various funders into one location, allowing applicants to manage applications and requirements more efficiently. It also allows applicants to invite additional users to collaborate on forms.

Yes, all applicants must have a Blackbaud ID to access the new portal. If you already use a Blackbaud product, you can use your existing Blackbaud ID and password. 

You will be prompted to create an account when you start an application for General Operating Support, Capacity Building, or Innovation & Collaboration Grant Opportunities. Alternatively, you can sign up by visiting https://bbgm-apply.yourcausegrants.com/apply/applications and follow the instructions to create a Blackbaud ID. If you already have a Blackbaud ID from another Blackbaud product, you may use that to login.

Existing grantees with active grants that are also applying for 2025 Grant Opportunities. During the transition period (likely through June 2025), both the legacy portal and the new portal will be active. This allows current grantees to download previous applications and reports before the legacy portal is phased out. Additionally, active grantees with ongoing multi-year grants and pending report submissions will need to continue using the legacy portal to submit their reports until their reporting schedules are migrated to the new portal. Dogwood will send communications about these transitions to affected grantees via email.

You can reset your password through the Blackbaud login page. If you have trouble, contact our Grantmaking Operations Team at [email protected].

No, all applicants must create or use a Blackbaud ID to apply for 2025 Grant Opportunities.

Yes. When creating an application, you can invite additional people from your organization to complete and collaborate on forms.

Bookmark https://bbgm-apply.yourcausegrants.com/apply/applications for easy access to your applications and requirement forms.

No, your application history will not transfer. Existing and long-term grantees should download any previous applications or reports before Aug. 25, 2025. If needed, our Grantmaking Operations Team can share PDF copies of all submitted applications and reports. You can request help by emailing [email protected]

The legacy portal  will remain active until Blackbaud officially closes it down. This will allow grantees time to download past applications and reports.


Add [email protected] to your email’s safe senders list to ensure you receive all portal-related communications.

If you encounter any issues, contact our Grantmaking Operations Team at [email protected] for assistance.

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