leverage fund

Grant writer assistance for WNC community-based organizations.

Every year, federal and state agencies distribute billions of dollars to nonprofit organizations and local governments to support or expand their work. Millions more are available from national charitable foundations. In an effort to bring more of this funding into WNC, the Leverage Fund connects community-based organizations with consultants that provide grant writing and technical assistance at no cost to the applicant. Weā€™ll discuss the funding you wish to apply for and the best grant writer match for you.Ā 

Once your grant writer is assigned, Dogwood will take a step back and let you get to work. Our expectation is that youā€™ll let us know if your grant request was successful and the award amount you received. We also hope youā€™ll share your feedback with us about your experience with the Leverage Fund. We aim to serve all our partners well with this support, and we encourage open and candid dialogue.


Leverage Fund Consultant RFP Open

As the Leverage Fund begins its fifth year of operation, Dogwood is seeking to further understand the experiences of nonprofit organizations who have received support through the fund. An RFP for a consultant organization to assist Dogwood in this objective will be open from March 4 – March 29. The assessment of the Leverage Fund is intended to provide baseline information that will provide immediate, actionable information to support our teams and grantees, while helping us formulate next steps in developing a longer-term, five-year strategy.Ā 

resources you can use

Funding Opportunities Newsletter

Each month, Dogwood collects a list of funding opportunities you can review and use to support your work.Ā 

  • Read the current newsletter here.


Grant Sites to Explore

Almost every federal and state agency, along with most national foundations, posts grant opportunities online. While Dogwood Health Trust does maintain and update aĀ list of some funding opportunities, it is by no means exhaustive. We strongly recommend you conduct an internet search based on your organizationā€™s focus areas and programs. Some potential sites to explore might include:

how to apply

Applications for the Leverage Fund for the 2024 grantmaking cycle are now closed. While we are no longer accepting applications for this cycle, please use the resources listed above.

Accessing the leverage fund is easy.

Step 1

Identify a funding source youā€™d like to pursue. Do some exploring to find likely sources.

Step 2

Talk to us about what youā€™d like to do. If we agree that your plan fits our strategic priorities and is a match for the requirements of the grant you want to pursue, weā€™ll find a grant writer to work with you.

Step 3

Work with your grant writer to submit your request to a state or national funder.

Step 4

Let us know what happens.Ā 

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A. Grant resources and information ā€“ Leverage Fund offers aĀ monthly funding opportunities newsletterĀ as well as theĀ Next Level Funding webinar series.

B. Direct support on a grant application ā€“ when an organization identifies an appropriate funding opportunity, Leverage Fund can support the organizationā€™s proposal development by providing grant consultation services free of charge.

High-priority organizations/projects include the following:

  • Community-based organizations (CBOs) that serve historically marginalized communities.
  • CBOs with operating budgets < $5M (exceptions: FQHCs and housing developers)
  • Projects with a high level of mission alignment to DHT 2024 Funding Priorities

When a Leverage Fund request is received, an internal review is conducted to determine its eligibility, readiness to apply and fit with the specific funding opportunity. Not all organizations that request Leverage Fund assistance are approved.

Leverage Fund will not provide grant writer support for:

  • Projects that do not serve WNC.
  • Projects that do not align with Dogwood Health Trustā€™s strategic funding priorities.
  • Grant applications to a local funder
  • Grant applications to a Dogwood Health Trust funding opportunity.

Federal and state grant applications, as well as proposals to private foundations that are located outside the 18 westernmost counties of WNC.

Yes. Prior use does not disqualify an organization from using the services in the future. Organizations may use Leverage Fund services up to twice per year.

It depends. Leverage Fund supports collaboration, as opposed to competition, whenever possible. If two or more organizations want to apply for the same grant and will target the same service area and population, those organizations are directly competing; in such instances, Leverage Fund is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. If two organizations are applying to serve different regions or target populations, each organization is eligible to receive Leverage Fund assistance commensurate with its need. NOTE: Leverage Fund does not share grant application information with other organizations competing for the same funding.

Recipients of Leverage Fund services are asked to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that states DHTā€™s expectations of Leverage Fund partners and consultants. At a minimum, all organizations are expected to:

  • Complete the funding application process to the best of their ability.
  • Devote the necessary staff resources to the application and drive the process.
  • Work effectively and efficiently with Leverage Fund-subsidized consultants. This includes agreeing upon a scope of work and timeline and providing all requested information in a timely manner.
  • Inform Leverage Fund whether or not their proposal is funded and share reviewer comments.

Submit a copy of the final work product to Dogwood Health Trust. Note: DHT does not share grant application information with other organizations.

partner outcomes

partner profile

Unidxs WNC

As a small, new nonprofit working to address social, economic, educational and cultural inequities in Jackson and Graham Counties, Unidxs WNC actively engages and supports the Hispanic and Latino community ā€“ but faced a challenge in engaging the support of foundation funders.

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