Regional Data / reports

Within Reach: Ending Unsheltered Homelessness in the Asheville - Buncombe CoC

This report shares findings from a needs assessment and corresponding recommendations related to unsheltered homelessness in Asheville and Buncombe County. The research was conducted by the National Alliance to End Homelessness.

Within Reach cover with image of Asheville

WNC Housing Needs Assessment

In late 2020, Dogwood Health Trust commissioned Bowen National Research to examine the housing needs, supply and gaps that exist in Western North Carolina now and into 2025. The results of this six-month study include an analysis of projected population changes, income expectations, housing supply and affordability for rental and ownership in each of the WNC’s 18 counties and the Qualla Boundary. 

Summer Learning Recovery in Western North Carolina: Voices From the Field

This study captured the “voices behind the numbers” to better understand summer learning recovery efforts in high schools in Western North Carolina.

CandL Listening Session Analysis (Western Counties)

In its latest commissioned study, Dogwood partnered with NC Child’s Care and Learning Initiative (CandL), to conduct a listening tour in 13 WNC counties and hear first-hand the concerns and needs of parents, caregivers and child care providers in those counties.

Presentation Slides:

WNC After 3PM: A Landscape Analysis of Out-of-School Time Programs in the 18 Westernmost NC Counties and the Qualla Boundary

The out-of-school analysis conducted by the North Carolina Center for Afterschool Programs (NC CAP) highlights the assets WNC providers offer youth, families and communities after school, on weekends and during summers. It also highlights the challenges our regional partners face with delivering high-quality, stable and impactful opportunities for youth to develop as whole children and adolescents with the psychological, social, academic and emotional competencies necessary for adulthood. The report also includes an interactive map of findings.

A Landscape Analysis of K12 Education Outcomes in Western North Carolina

This report from the Education Policy Initiative at Carolina examined the K12 landscape of our region. It showed that students with disabilities, students of color, specifically African American students, students who are English language learners, and students in our lowest-wealth communities have less access and success in K12 classrooms across WNC communities.

Landscape Analysis of k-12 Education Outcomes in WNC cover

Comprehensive Studies of WNC's Early Care & Education Landscape.

These comprehensive studies of the regional ECE landscape and the T.E.A.C.H program, conducted by the Child Care Services Association, explore the barriers to the families and teachers of our region’s youngest learners.

Economic Impacts of Canton Paper Mill Closure in WNC

Dogwood supported the Southwestern Commission to conduct a study of the Pactive Evergreen paper mill closure’s economic impact across the entire WNC region. The report examines the effect on employment, labor income, economic output and tax revenue and includes data by industry and by county.

Presentation Slides:

WNC Capital Landscape Assessment

Our partners at Shining Rock Ventures explored the landscape of funders, lenders, investors, and business support organizations in the region and examined how WNC can create a more intentional and coordinated capital network.

Opportunities for AgriFoodTech in WNC

This report from RTI Innovation Advisors assesses our region’s agriculture and food technology (AgriFood Tech) opportunities as a means for creating new pathways for economic opportunity.

Nonprofits Philanthropy in WNC

2023 NC Rural Center’s Road Trip Annual Meeting Presentation

NC Rural Center 2023 Summer Road Trip

North Carolina Community Data

Robert Wood Johnson County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

NC State Center for Health Statistics (SCHS)

NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS)

NCDHHS: Combating North Carolina's Opioid Crisis

Healthy People

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