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Sustainable Organizations

Western North Carolina has a proud history of helping neighbors in need and creating homegrown solutions to address community challenges. The vision, creativity and dedication of leaders from all walks of life has given our region a broad network of nonprofit organizations and government agencies that work together to serve and engage both those who need assistance and those who wish to provide support.

In addition to the grants we make through our Community-Focused Strategic Investments, we are committed to helping organizations across our region access the connections, knowledge and expertise to strengthen their operations and broaden their sources of revenue. By investing in the sustainability and health of organizations in our region, we are helping to improve health and wellbeing for all Western North Carolinians.

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how we can help

Leverage Fund

The Leverage Fund provides connections to and funding for professional grant writers who can support nonprofits and government agencies apply for state, federal and national foundation funding and assist with grant reporting and management.
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Next-Level Funding

Our Next-Level Funding Webinar Series offers free advice and training on how to successfully enter the world of large-scale funding, from initial planning to submitting a winning proposal.
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The Sustainable Organizations Resource Library offers a regularly updated list of technical assistance and training providers, consulting agencies and individuals, helpful online links and more.
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